Ok, it’s time….time to re-style and re-design the bed. The big, heavy, orangey colored oak bed set that my husband bought years ago, before I came on the scene, has just got to move on to greener pastures and let something interesting, clever and more in tune with the room style stand tall in it’s place.
The bed did match the bedroom dressers that were given a new look written about here http://tayrose.com/2014/05/13/changing-up-a-dated-dresser-set/ but the style of the bed just didn’t fit in with the rest of the set now, so it has moved out to the shed for a future project.
For the new headboard look, I wanted something tall, since we have vaulted ceilings, something with an Asian flair, something I could make that was budget friendly, and not too difficult that would take weeks to make. I remembered last summer while at Lowe’s shopping for plants, seeing these wooden trellis panels hanging on the back wall http://www.lowes.com/pd_6537-15173-8621262_0__?productId=3735495&Ntt=garden+trellis&pl=1¤tURL=%3FNtt%3Dgarden%2Btrellis&facetInfo=
There were several types, but the ones I really liked already had an Asian style to them, so I wouldn’t have to do anything but apply a finish to the raw wood and install. I felt 2 panels would be wide enough for a Queen size bed especially if I split them up and hung wall art in-between. So I bought them and brought them home. I was doing the happy dance when I got them on sale at the end of the season so they met the budget friendly criteria…check, they had an Asian flair that I wouldn’t have to add…check….and if I stain them dark like the dresser fronts to match, how simple is that? Double check!!
I used sand paper to lightly sand some of the rough edges and splinters, then proceeded to stain with Miniwax Jacobean color using a nylon bristle brush. The soft wood really soaked up the stain which was great, but I did end up staining most of the parts twice for a darker coverage. To install, I wanted them to be up high, so they are actually screwed to the walls and not attached to the bed frame itself. I measured the wall pieces to be sure there was enough room on either side to hang the trellis so they didn’t hang past the bed width, then hubby screwed them into the wall.
I realize there may be some of you that wonder why in the world did I remove the matching oak headboard set for a garden trellis screwed to the wall…and I say, why not? This was a simple DIY project that really makes a statement in the room… like a new kid on the block that has made a new friend
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